Blue Sky / Green Earth
EarthClean Corporation has introduced a series of product concepts under its new Blue Sky / Green Earth initiatives. These products, like EarthClean’s TetraKO™ product line, are patented, sustainable, non-toxic and biodegradable.
The company is working together with Minnesota’s Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) to test the following applications:
Protect Fruit Trees And Sensitive Crops from Freezing
In the spring sensitive crops can be in danger of a quick freeze after plants have already bud.
Preserve Harvested Crops Over Winter
Instead of covering with an expensive and labor-intensive polypropylene film, the Agricultural Producer will spray a biodegradable layer of “gel” over round bales or other harvested crops
Extend The Effectiveness Of Fertilizers And Ag Chemicals
Another potential application is as a ‘spray adjuvant’ for fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Since the Blue Sky / Green Earth carrier reduces drift and “sticks and stays” to plants, (greatly reducing runoff), less fertilizer, fungicide, or herbicide is required